• Ebog

Evolutionary developmental biology

Abstract: Evolutionary developmental biology (evo-devo) is a field of biological investigation concerned with the overlap of evolution and development.Evolutionary developmental biology attempts to study how changes in the embryonic development of individual organisms relate to the larger-scale evolutionary changes that occur between generations.Because natural selection operates equally on embryonic through adult stages, changes in development can mediate evolution in any life history stage.The apparent constancy of embryonic stages and the seeming lack of variation among individuals of a given embryonic stage in a given species reflect the actions of stabilizing selection (which concentrates features around a norm) and of differential survival (which removes individuals who deviate from that norm so early in development that they do not survive to be studied).Much evo-devo research is focused on analysis of the interaction of multiple genes and molecular pathways, referred to as gene regulatory networks, in a developing embryo. In these complex networks, developmental genes and feedback mechanisms regulate specific developmental and morphological pathways.No feature (character or trait) of a multicellular organism can change over evolutionary time without modification of development